Twenty-nine-year-old Tae Myung-ha experiences a bewildering twist of fate when suddenly finds himself transported into a fictional online game where he inhabits the body of a ninteen-year-old character. Soon, Myung-ha embarks on a quest within the virtual world to bring happiness to a character named Cha Yeo-woon.
Love for Love’s Sake S01E01 720p WEB-DL x265
Love for Love’s Sake S01E02 720p WEB-DL x265
Love for Love’s Sake S01E03 720p WEB-DL x265
Love for Love’s Sake S01E04 720p WEB-DL x265
Love for Love’s Sake S01E05 720p WEB-DL x265
Love for Love’s Sake S01E06 720p WEB-DL x265
Love for Love’s Sake S01E07 720p WEB-DL x265
Love for Love’s Sake S01E08 720p WEB-DL x265